Current politics of Korean-Peninsula and the Chinese Dilemma

Although China’s strategic position in the region is still on its track of conventionality yet the zero-sum game politics of Korean-peninsula would likely be shifted into a new direction of a new adopted policy. China has opened up its markets rightly opposite on its ideological foundation and adopted what some analysts call as a State-run-Capitalism. On the other hand, North Korea even further closed tightly its doors and stands quite opposite on the direction of China. But America and it’s traditionally ally in the region South Korea, stand somewhere in between them watching and thinking properly of how and where to push the pendulum. If America and South Korea keep preserving their existing policy of isolating North Korea and refusing to resume the six-talks unless and until North Korea officially acknowledges the Yeonpyeong incidents; what effort China would have to adopt as to balance its Strategic interest in region as well as that of globally economic interest. Would China pressure USA using its flourishing markets and keep devaluating America’s dollars as a means of instrument or would it be projecting herself in unrealistic position and watch how Seoul-Washington relation would transform form warm harmony to a more brotherly relationship. Hillary Clinton’s recent visit at Soul could be a reminder of how the two countries are cultivating their speedy growing friendships.

China is no doubt an emerging strong economic power and severely shakes westerns’ economic position. It has already cleared a very significant portion of its share in Africa, attracting many African spectators because of the policy China has adopted when it comes intervening a third country. It has accurately learned America’s mistakes of intervening and implemented a new version of investments with less intention of talking about internal institutional structures of the host country. There is neither human right abuse in the dictionary of China nor engaging rebels in another country, just straight forward and collect the raw materials then pour them into the markets with transforming them in a newly manufactured yet cheaply items. This is the exact attitude welcomed by most of corrupt and autocratic African leaders. The purposed visit to China by President Al Bashir of Sudan is remarkably a good instance of this interpretation. Presumably, china may displace USA from African continent sooner or later.
So, China has come to now to Europeans as to impress them more than the Africans but still many hot issues should be addressed deeply before the materialistic minded  Europeans being influenced thoroughly, including the controversial climate change politics. David Shambaugh a nonresident senior fellow in the Foreign Policy Program and the Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies (CNAPS) said in 2007 in an article published at the website of Brookings Institution that Chinese relations with Europe is passing from “honeymoon” to a “marriage” phase. That marriage phase has just come on the headlines. Chinese Premier Tour to Europe on last June was a signal of how China is crossing from border to border on the context of boosting commercial, economic and political links with Europe.  Of course, the tour could also be taken as Chinese bid to have more clients from Europe which likely would intimidate Americas’ ambitions not only in European politics but the global politics as well. Some well known commentators including Fareed Zakaria has cautiously analyzed that twenty first century belongs to China.

Nevertheless, the Chinese next neighbor North Korea; seems to have no knowledge of where China is moving. It is moreover seems to disappear on the planet for its increasing isolationism. Therefore, it is safe to assume that Democratic Republic of North Korea would face an unprecedented challenge for the coming decades due to the lack of standing friends right next to its shoulders. How would you think to survive when your lonely increases and your only remaining friend seem to have moving the direction you would never think about it? Sates are giving no priority to build only the muscles of the state these days. There are some other important issues which policy makers are prioritizing like assuring diplomatic engagements and economic wellbeing. Citizens’ security is much targeted than state security. Only a few with no exceptional of  North Korea is maximizing the concept of State security and that concept is assumed in this twenty first century as an old minded advocacy. The scenario in Democratic Republic of North Korea is even far beyond the state security because the transition of power is from the father to son as monarchies do;  and this is why North Korea is supposed to have slipping down far in the Eastern ocean of political adjustments. The fact that America’s arrogant attitude toward North Korea is indisputable; yet it should show some limited restraint and apply for full participation on outstanding issues across the globe which effect North Korea’s National interest directly or indirectly. Interestingly, China was also isolated country since 1970s however; it has dramatically proved that no one can deny her ability when China assured self-assessment on all fields of the life. Today, not a single major international political structure is emphasized without Chinese consciousness and it is fully participating with a great share of interest.

North Korea is supposed to see the way Chinese have survived form the long rocky way to the current wealthy room. Hopefully China is the only guider who can persuade Koreans on some specific issues like shifting from a political position to another. As North Koreans have a habitat for the Chinese advice, expectedly its image would be a different and the region would be far from antagonism.
To sum up, China can heartily support North Koreans not only political side but economically as well just like America’s never ending support to Israelis. Surely, America’s standing policy to the region would be erupted and perhaps it would think alternatively which ultimately bring the concerned parties on the Korean peninsula to the round table that may lead for conclusion of a permanent peace deal. On other side, there was a growing report in recent times indicating that China may join some American domestic  critics who are strongly pushing on policy makers to reform their policy to Korean peninsula  and adopt bilateral talks to North Korea. This reform could be opportunity for China to use its influence on these lobbies and it can convince them what China wants for the region. 

By Abdulkadir Basha

"Didiinglay dhamaateih"


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