Does that Friday Farewell just one Farewell?

In my last article on the title of “the Impact of Sidi Bouzid in MENA region” has clearly predicted that this region would sooner or later invite a precarious situation. With in two weeks, that view amazingly came to be true when one of the strongest; maybe the most difficult walls was forcefully fallen down on 8:30pm Friday night in the history of Arab world. Perhaps it won’t be the last wall to fall, but it would likely be the beginning of a complete series shattering walls. Martin king Luther said; “oppressed people can not remain oppressed forever”. In the light of the fact that most Middle East youth generations preserve a common suppression since long time their frustration would most likely prove the same as Egyptian youths came over a long-fear that has rooted not only in the Egyptian minds but the region as a whole. What is more fortunately is the Social Media, thanks for 21st century information machines that have excitedly boiled the nuisance till it explodes! But unfortunately, Western policy-makers must once more assess their foreign policies strategies on the region though their initially double-standard  policies couldn’t prove efficient to choose which train they would load their documents if it would be-on the Military, on the people or on the opposition.

It was really an anticipate watching how the Egyptian youths, yet without principally leadership dictated Mubarak it is the time to go. They have likewise confirmed that no leader would actually remain power forever nevertheless he is much powerful or gets everlasting Dollars from a big-partner as a reward for how he is seriously obedient to implement the interest of his master. No doubt, the eternal power is rested on the masses rather than on individuals and that power is welcomed now in many suppressive territories. For instance, Algeria has already responded in harsh tactics on some protestors whom obviously had inspired by the events in Egypt. The Egyptian revolution (though some scholars reject it as it is incomplete transformation of the previous system) is embodiment to MENA region as whole. It was a unique, soft revolution that the world never experienced before and up till now achieved its main goal. The Egyptian people set aside their difference-a Muslim, a Christen, young, old, men and women have fought for their common dignity. In addition, the Media especially Aljazeera and social networks have played a significant role to arouse and encourage the people that there is nothing to be fear except Allah! Google executive in MENA region, Wael Ghonim who was arrested for two weeks said in interview on CNN right after the Mubark’s resignation was announced; “if you want to liberate a government, give them the internet”. This imperatively explains how the media did radically shape the desire of the people. Perhaps, it could be pronounced as the unifying leader of demonstrators.
On the other hand, the friends of Mubarak not surprisingly; were irritated not to sleep as their agent in the region was badly a shamed as he was struggling to persuade his people to let him exit in a dignified gate therefore, the dilemma has just arrived around the roundtable discussions in materialistic elite groups in that world side. Fareed Zakiria, a commentator and a host of GPS program in CNN commented on Egyptian after Mubarak said; “Democracy in Egypt could be an earth quick to the Arab world”. It could, of course. But it equally could, an earth quick to the Western world as well. From 1970s till that late Friday things were going as per scheduled in the far-distant neighboring states. However, when Omar Suleiman appeared on TV screens affirming that his colleague has abandoned in the presidential house, the Earth quick erupted at those states was considerably higher than those of immediate neighboring countries. Days before Husni’s departure from the power, the American envoy sent by Obama’s administration to Egypt unmistakably supposed that his regime is hearty favor for Mubarak’s staying power for longer. In the line of the fact of these views Western policy-makers have to immediately reorganize their mission to the region as to undo which one will be the next or the earth quick as they have already forecasted would likely dig an unimaginably cave. Interestingly at this time, people have adopted new institutions of social networks with parameter of technology and therefore emerged a strong well-informed portion of society who accurately would not be passive any more but ready for doing business with any one who admirably follower of the principals of mutually benefit diplomacy but not unilateral dictation.

A. Suleiman Mohamed          

"Didiinglay dhamaateih"


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