
Showing posts from December, 2014

How Sharmarke Can Salvage Vision 2016

How Sharmarke Can Salvage Vision 2016 " Didiinglay dhamaateih"

Heshiis Awood Qaybsi ah oo lagu dhaameystirayo mamulka ku meel Gaarka ah ee Koonfur Galbeed Soomaaliya

JAMHUURIYADDA FEDERAALKA SOOMAALIYA Heshiis Awood Qaybsi ah oo lagu dhaameystirayo mamulka ku meel Gaarka ah ee Koonfur Galbeed Soomaaliya Taariikh: 15 December, 2014 Goobta : Madaxtooyada Maamul Goboleedka 6da, Baydhabo Ayadoo laga ambaqaadayo heshiiskii lagu soo gaaarey Magaalada Muqdishu ee Ku taariikheysnaa 29kii November, 2014, heshiis kaas oo ku saabsanaa xal u helida arrimaha koonfur-galbeed Soomaaliya oo ayna gar wadeen ka yihiin Xildhibaanada qaranka, kaas oo u dhexeeyey Xildhibaanada Qaranka iyo Madaxweyne Shariif Xassan Sheikh Adan. Wadatashiyo iyo wadaxaajood u dhexeeyey dhamaan dhinacyada arrinta quseyso oo ay ku jireen Madaxda Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya kadib, Xildhimaanadii Qaranka u xilsaarnaa dib u heshiisiinta iyo dhameystirka maamulka KGS, waxay yimaadeen Magaalada Baydhabo, December 11, 2014. Wada xaajood siyaasadeed oo socdey muddo Saddx Cisho ah oo u dhexeeyey Xildhibaanada Qaranka iyo Odayaasha Dhaqanka Koonfur Gaalbeed 6, ayaa w...

Is the US overseeing torture in Somalia? - video

This video explores whether CIA in cooperation with Somali Security Forces committed torture or other inhuman actions in their pursuit of Al-Shabab Alqaeda in Somalia. Jamal Osman, the reporter says Western Foreign Policy is shaping Somali's future politics!! Source: Channel 4 "Didiinglay dhamaateih"

Sanity must come back for Southwestern state formation process

The Regional State formation process in Southwestern Somalia has come under enormous challenge than ever predicted. A new confrontation emerged as far as the endeavor of making the process inclusiveness, fair and transparency among the many stakeholders in the region is concerned. The confrontation is within the proponents of the idea of the Three-regions State formation.  The conference agenda was radically altered soon after the International delegation led by Ambassador Nichalos Kay along with the leaders of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) opened the conference and left the town on 28 October. The mishandling process of the conference prompted Speaker of the House of the People, Mohamed Sheikh Osman Jawari and FGS Prime Minister to intervene the situation and at the same time call the delegated politicians back to Mogadishu for either new considerations or for possible replacement. President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Speaker Jawari together encouraged the 360 dele...