Laws of diplomacy and attitudes of stronger Countries

The core of International Law is respect for the rights of diplomats. The standard behaviors of States in this area were well spelled out in details, applied universally and taken seriously. Since, the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations and the Vienna Convention on Consular relations in 1961 and 1963 respectively, it has been considered unjustifiable to harm an emissary sent from another state. The status of embassies and of an ambassador as an official state representative is explicitly defined in the process of diplomatic recognition . Once they are accredited, the individual enjoys immunities and privileges as a foreign diplomat in the host country. An attack on diplomats or embassies is legitimately considered as an attack on the territory of the state itself. For this reason explains why Iraq couldn't confiscate the premises of US embassy in Kuwait in 1991 after Saddam Hussein claimed that Kuwait as a state no longer exists, though Iraq's force...