Shatigaduud History - By Dhalib

It was in the middle of 1997, when I first met Col. Mohamed Nuur Shatigaduud, in the outskirts of Baidoa town, where he was leading Rahanweyn Resistant Army (RRA) fighters against General Aidid occupation in Bay and Bakool. I was one of the few Local UN humanitarian staff working these areas at that time and trying to reach thousands of displaced people suffering in Bay and Bakool area for the result of the conflict. At that time we have received reports of thousands of people dying for lack of food and disease for the result of wide spread conflict between RRA and General Aidid militiaman. Situation was extremely very bad and the fighting between General Aidid militia and RRA intensified day after day. Thousands of people were forced to flee from their houses and cough in the fighting’s. People had nothing to eat, some of the people forced to dig underground and eat grass nuts for their daily meal and water availability was difficult. One of the trips I h...