Unfortunately every newly established institution carrying the whole name of Somalia is being developed just to appease some sort of tribal sections in Somalia. Despite the collective name of Somalia is shown on the top of every of these institutions; so far there is no concrete indication that there assignment is to heal Somali’s perpetually cause, in fact it is not only harming the pre-existing scramble but it is also boiling a new one. Most Somali Media editors, particularly Abdurrahman Yabarow, is a great contributor to the growing mistrust among Somalis as a whole and Somali politicians in particular, if he is not the main source of that dishonest. Somali Medias with the exception of insignificant numbers do generally propagate the interest of just one tribe or even one family and deliberately set aside to promote what might really bridge the gap between Politicians whom by them self adopt a habit of an endless political deadlock and continuously fighting for...